Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Back to the Real World

I dreamed I was in love last night and woke up feeling sad when I realized it wasn't true. Is it a sign that I'm ready to look for love? I have no idea. All I know is that being in love in my dream felt good and I liked it. Of course in my dream there were no "real life" complications, only that warm feeling. I miss the warm feeling...I don't however, miss the complications.

That's all.


  1. Fascinating. I think this feeling is a direct result of your personal accomplishments over the last year. I can't put what I mean by that into words, but that's my take so far.

  2. Maybe it has to do with loving yourself? It reminds me of a client I had who had a dream that he used to be a beat up white Camaro and turned into a red Ferrari - I love that! I know I love you! xoxo
